Excluding XymphBot:
Excluding XymphBot:
Excluding XymphBot:
Users by edit count (i.e. excluding file uploads):
- Articles are pages in main namespace that are not redirects. MediaWiki statistics in the Entryway masthead and on the Statistics page show the count of "good articles" which contain at least one link to another wiki page. Thus this count does not include dead-end pages, and therefore is slightly lower than what is shown in the total articles chart.
- Users exclude those without edits, anonymous IPs, and blocked users. A registration timestamp was not stored in old MediaWiki versions; in that case the timestamp of the first edit is used. Active users are only those making at least one contribution in the past 30 days.
Some events that notably affected wiki growth:
- 2005-01: Launch of the Doom Wiki
- 2011-09: Relaunch on DoomWiki.org
- 2014-12: Getsu Fune commences adding map walkthroughs and, from 2017-03 onwards, mostly secret descriptions
- 2016-05: Release of Doom (2016)
- 2016-10: Xymph/XymphBot commence scripted additions and updates of map articles, expanded to other types of content over time
- 2017-04: An above-average surge in covering WADs/maps by Xymph(Bot)
- 2018-06: Announcement of Doom Eternal
- 2018-09: Xymph(Bot) commence adding stub articles for mappers
- 2020-03: Release of Doom Eternal
- 2021-01: Dynamo creates a large number of WAD overview articles, with map articles by Xymph(Bot) to follow
- 2021-10/11: The same as in 2021-01
- 2021-12: Gauss and Quasar make huge progress on Doom Eternal coverage; several active newcomers join
- 2022-01/02: Matador, Dynamo and others create lots more WAD overview articles, again with map articles by Xymph(Bot)